SFIA is used for measuring current capability and identifying requirements, including planning, for future demand, using the same capability criteria used throughout the skills management processes.

The Australia SFIA framework is an enabler for people who manage resources for ICT, Software Engineering, and Digital Transformation and is independent of technology, method, or approach. It is a common reference model, a common language, comprising 7 Levels of Responsibility with 102 Professional Skills or competencies. The Levels of Responsibility are key as they reflect the reality in an industry where skills are practiced at different levels of responsibility. Australia SFIA framework - you have a skill or competence at a level of responsibility because you have practiced the skill or competence at that level in a real-world situation. A job can be made up of one or more roles, which, in turn, include one or more skills at appropriate skill levels. SFIA-aligned job descriptions and role profiles are useful and popular for many reasons. They can support the complete skills management cycle. They provide clarity to enable productivity and performan...